Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wagon Train and God

My wife and I have a penchant for watching old TV shows. Shows where people keep their clothes on and do not swear like a junior higher attending a public school. Last night we were watching Wagon Train. You know the real old ones with Ward Bond and Robert Horton. It was getting late and my wife really did not want to go back to work. She is self employed. So instead we finished off the disc so we could send it back to Netflix. This morning she got up to finish the client, she was going to work on last night. To her surprise, the IRS decided this morning to do something to her client's bank account. I will not go into the details because the IRS does not like to have their mistakes talked about publicly and I do not need an audit. But here is the God thing, if we had not decided to watch that last episode of Wagon Train to finish off the disc: she would have finished off that client last night and today they would be in a world of hurt. But because we decided to watch Wagon Train forcing her to work on that client's stuff this morning, she caught and saved the client thousands of dollars. Who says God does not use TV for His glory - "Wagons Ho"!

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